segev renderings
segev renderings

One design

The Segev main challenge was to create a new and different design, while basing on the Ford platform.

We designed to be innovative and aggressive.

Service access

The Segev is being used under hard conditions, and must have fast and comfortable access to the main systems.

This was achieved by using big doors and locating the important systems on the right height for the service person.

Low quantity production

The Segev was design mostly with sheet metal and cnc technologies to fit its production quantities.

Elbit Systems SEGEV

The  SEGEV , An autonomus vehicle

Unmanned ground combat vehicle (UGCV) based on the Ford F-350 platform. The UGCV is designated for border patrol with both surveillance and firing capabilities.

The Segev was designed to look innovative and aggressive, major issue was easy access for service-big doors open all around.

The challenge was to make a whole complete one design with the Ford, while using low quantity production tools.



newslargepurple Segev was featured on Calcalist

newslargepurple Segev was featured on Mako

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